About Franki

Growing up with ADHD and Anxiety, Franki learned to embrace her own neurodivergence. It brings her great joy to offer professional training, therapy, coaching, and parenting support as a neurodiversity advocate.
Franki is a master's level educator and clinical social worker—a human behavior ninja- if you will! With over 20 years in education and mental health, she developed a unique passion for disability inclusion. Her clientele ranges from preschoolers to adults, making her the unicorn of versatility.
Franki has taught in many different settings and has coached teachers working in early childhood through high school. One of her most unique achievements was managing the disabilities inclusion and vocational education programs at a large residential camp as part of her role as assistant director at a residential camp that had nearly 1500 participants each summer.

In 2019, Franki launched FAAB Consulting, followed by Franki Bagdade Therapy in 2022—because who doesn't want two businesses and a side of chaos?
Through FAAB, Franki created a blog to share her favorite tips and tools with the world and expanded her freelance writing to national and global publications. In 2021, she published her first book, "I Love My Kids, But I Don't Always Like Them!" which has made it to the Amazon bestseller list several times!​
Franki travels across North America as a public speaker, sharing wisdom on mental health and neurodiversity while enjoying Biscoff cookies, her favorite in-flight Delta snack!​
Franki holds a BA in Elementary Education, an M.Ed in Special Education, and an MSW in Clinical Social Work. Not bad for a woman with ADHD who was often accused of "not trying hard enough" throughout her schooling!​
When she's not busy being a rockstar, Franki enjoys good coffee, fancy breakfasts made by others, travel, reading, and rewatching her favorite "Friends" episodes (which includes all of them!) ​
Franki lives in Metro Detroit with her husband, Jeff, their three exceptional children, and their dog, who is the boss of the house.